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The content in the Aquaculture program includes but is not limited to instruction in the planning, management, finance, technical and production skills, underlying principles of technology, labor issues, community issues and health, safety and environmental issues in the aquaculture industry. The program also includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources career cluster.

Students examining and testing the health of Indian River Lagoon.


Aquaculture is a three or four-year course of study designed to develop competencies in aquatic species management including species propagation, husbandry, water quality management, stock enhancement, ornamental species rearing, aquaria set-up, and filtration management. The program includes research and laboratory experience with ornamental and game fish, various invertebrates, coral, horseshoe crabs, Gambusia, and a variety of local and exotic species.  Students are involved in numerous field studies for collection, harvest, water quality testing, and population studies. Students participate community service projects such as coastal clean-ups and lagoon monitoring. Aquaculture 3/4 provides exposure to environmental and aquatic careers including exposure to research, careers, and business opportunities associated with fresh and marine ecosystems while gaining valuable biological, management, leadership, communication, and employability skills. An aquaculture industry certification will be awarded pending the passing of the state Aquaculture Industry Certification exam. 

Soil Sampling

Student helps monitor the ecosystem of Indian River Lagoon by taking soil samples.

Water Sampling

Students help monitor the ecosystem of Indian River Lagoon by taking water samples.

Enjoying Nature

Students encounter nature up close.

Propagating Coral

Student propagating coral for coral restoration at the Reef Institute.

Hold Still

Students help maintain animal health.

Planting Christmas Trees

Student planting a Christmas tree.

Aquaculture Program of Studies progression:

YEAR 1: Agriscience Foundations 

YEAR 2: Aquaculture 2 

YEAR 3: Aquaculture 3 

Note students might receive permission to take both 3 and 4 in the same year.

YEAR 4: Aquaculture 4

Note students might receive permission to do a Directed Study 4th year.

All Aquaculture courses are Honors classes.

Course Objectives and Content:

  • Exposure to career opportunities in aquaculture.
  • Environmentally sound use of natural resources.
  • Reproduction, identification, and growth of aquaculture species.
  • Biological components and production practices of reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
  • Management of aquatic animal health.
  • Management of aquaculture filtration, water quality, and systems.
  • Successfully complete Florida Aquaculture Industry Certification.



Debra Marsicano