Senior Scholarship Boot Camp
Attention Class of 2025! This is your chance to get assistance locating and writing scholarship applications. Each year our community awards thousands of dollars in scholarships to seniors for a variety of reasons. You can't receive college scholarship money if you do not complete an application!
Scholarship Boot Camp Information:
- Where: Media Center at New Smyrna Beach High School
- When: January 16, 2025
- Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Students who wish to participate must register in the Counseling Office.
- Please contact Ms. Raquel Heath, Counseling Director, if you have any questions.
Please note that scholarship opportunities will be updated daily!
Below is a list of local scholarship opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year. Please note that the scholarships offered are only for New Smyrna Beach High School Seniors.
Please read the requirements carefully and provide all the requested information. Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Please continue to visit our website to check on any additional scholarship opportunities as they become available. The application submission deadline is March 7, 2025. Please note that some scholarships have special deadline dates.
Scholarship Boot Camp – Get a jump on applying for local scholarships by attending the Boot Camp on Thursday, January 16, 2025 in the Media Center. Get help completing the application and writing your essay. Be sure to bring a flash drive, a rough draft of your essay and a copy of the Scholarship Booklet, with the scholarships highlighted, that you want to apply for.
Do not forget to sign-up for your Senior Scholarship Boot Camp session in the Counseling Office.
A Wish, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Gamma Mu Omega Chapter Scholarship Deadline 4-25-2025
AAUW Scholarship Deadline has been extended to 3-14-2025
Alberta Moses Smith Scholarship (Chisholm Alumni High School Association)
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Scholarship Due February 28, 2025
Anna Lou Luznar Memorial Scholarship
Believing In Your Dreams Due March 25, 2025
Please see Mrs. Heath for the application
Board of Realtors New Smyrna Beach Application Due March 7, 2025
CAPS Special Application
City of New Smyrna Beach Juneteenth Due February 28, 2025
EAC Higher Education Scholarship Due by March 31, 2025
Florida Realtors Education Foundation Scholarship Deadline is March 6, 2025
2025 Lions Club District 35-0 Youth Exchange Scholarship Deadline is February 7, 2025
James T. "Tom" Russell Memorial Scholarship Application Deadline is February 15, 2025 by 5:00 p.m.
Mildred E. Small and Robert d. Toye Scholarship Application
Peabody Foundation Scholarship Deadline is March 28, 2025
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Deadline is December 2, 2024
Samsula Woman's Club Scholarship
Smyrna Surfari Club Scholarship Deadline is March 31, 2025
Southeast Vocational Education Resources
Spectrum News 13 Project Weather Scholarship
Temple Israel of Deland Sisterhood Memorial Scholarship 2025 Deadline is March 28, 2025
The Daytona Beach Chapter of The Links Deadline is April 4, 2025
The Gamma Lambda Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Deadline is February 28, 2025
AdventHealth NSB Foundation - Charles & Elaine Falls Meyer Nursing Scholarship
1. Packet must be 1 complete PDF. Multiple copies will not be accepted.
2. Standard Application
3. GPA Required
4. Good citizenship
5. Short Essay 200 words or less
6. SAT or ACT Score
7. Student must be pursuing a nursing degree
8. Show financial need
9. Email completed application, to the attention of: AdventHealth NSB Foundation – Charles & Elaine Falls Meyer Nursing Scholarship to:
AdventHealth NSB Health Education Scholarship
1. Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. Must have SAT or ACT Score
4. Good Citizenship
5. Financial Need
6. Short essay on what prompted Health Field Degree
7. Student must be pursuing Health Field Degree
8. Packet only accepted in 1 Complete PDF File
9. Email completed application, to the attention of: AdventHealth NSB Health Education Scholarship to:
Aguiar Scholarship for Mom & Pop
1. Completed Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. Must have SAT or ACT Score
4. Financial need
5. Applied for financial aid
6. Short essay of what this would mean to you
7. Email completed application to the attention of: Gilly Aguiar to
Alberta Moses Smith Scholarship (Chisholm High School alumni Association)
1. Complete Chisholm High School Alumni Association Application on the NSBHS Website under Scholarships
2. Scholarship is targeted for African American Students
3. Descendant of Chisholm High Alumni
4. Minimum of 25 Community Service Hours
5. Submit 200 Word Essay entitled “The Importance of Community Services & Keeping the Chisholm Alumni Legacy Standing During Challenging Times”
6. Submit SAT and/or Act Scores
7. Official Transcript demonstrating a GPA 3.0 or greater
8. Submit completed application via first class mail to: Chisholm Alumni High School Association, ATTN: Shandra Merrick, P.O. Box 702851, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170
Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority
1. Standard NSBHS Application
2. Minimum 2.5 GPA
3. Must have SAT and/or ACT score
4. Identify financial need
5. List community volunteerism & identify community service hours
6. List school leadership roles & positions
7. List school/community clubs
8. Short essay including: “How will this scholarship assist you?”
9. Mail completed application packet via first class mail to: Linda Cuthbert, 1810 Red Rock Rd., New Smyrna Beach, FL 321683
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Beta Delta Lambda Chapter Scholarship
1. Completed Special Application located on NSB High Schools website under Scholarships – Deadline is February 28, 2025.
2. Current high school transcripts. (Please highlight academic courses and test scores for Junior and Senior years.)
3. Biographical essay (100 words/full page minimum typed).
4. Two letters of recommendation that includes comments about community service, civic engagement and citizenship.
5. Completed applications must be post marked no later than Friday, February 28, 2025. Please forward all application materials to the following address: Beta Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, APA Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 9443, Daytona Beach, FL 32120
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 17, New Smyrna Beach, FL
1. Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. Financial Need
4. Good Citizenship
5. Short Essay
6. Mail completed application packet via first class mail to: Chris Remington President, American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 17, New Smyrna Beach, P.O. Box 1018, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 or Email completed application to the attention of: Chris Remington President, American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 17 New Smyrna Beach to:
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 284, Edgewater, FL
1. Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. SAT or ACT Score
4. Financial Need
5. Good Citizenship
6. Student issued transcript
7. Going into the Nursing Program
8. Short Essay – Prompt: Please explain how your experience volunteering and participating in community service has shaped your perspective on humanity. Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and career choice. Describe how volunteer, community service or extra-curricular activities have shaped who you are today and what it has taught you. May also include future educational plans and career goals. (250-500 words)
9. Mail completed application via first class mail to: Bettye Jo Mackiewicz – Scholarship App 2024, C/O American Legion 4497, S. Hwy 1, Edgewater, FL 32141
American Legion Son Squadron 17
1. Completed Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. Financial Need
4. Good Citizenship
5. Short Essay
6. Student Interest
7. Are parents a Veteran
8. Submit completed application via first class mail to: American Legion Sons Post 17, 619 Canal Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Anglers Yacht Club Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. SAT/ACT Must be listed
4. Financial need considered
5. Citizenship/school participation
6. Student issued transcript
7. Essay must be submitted
8. Email the completed application, to the attention of: AYC Scholarship to:
Anna Lou Luznar Memorial Scholarship
1. Completed Anna Lou Luznar Memorial Scholarship Application
2. Letter of recommendation from a community leader
3. Letter of recommendation from a teacher
4. Letter of acceptance to any institute of higher learning
5. Essay about your community service experience
6. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Scholarship Chairman to: or Submit completed application via first class mail to: Samsula Woman’s Club, P.O. Box 1635, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170
Annual Melissa Bassett Memorial Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. GPA
3. College Affiliation
4. Essay
5. Family Masonic Affiliation
6. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Bryan Bassett to:
Annual NSB Garden Club Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. GPA of 3.0 or higher
3. ACT or SAT Score
4. Essay how student will benefit from our scholarship
5. Transcript
6. Two Professional References
7. College field will be in botanical or marine sciences
8. Email the completed application, to the attention of: NSB Garden Club Scholarship to:
Atlantic Center for the Arts Volunteer League
1. Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. Must have SAT or ACT score
4. Financial need
5. Good citizenship
6. Required Interview
7. Student Issued Transcript
8. Short essay response (Please indicate essay topic/question) Essay should assist ACAVL Scholarship Committee to learn about your interests and career goals.
9. Student pursuing career that requires use of artistic talents
10. Careers include: Performing arts, creative writing, computer graphics, fashion design, textile design, visual arts
11. Student must include portfolios, videos, PDF files that support your application. All work will be returned.
12. Submit completed application via first class mail to: Jean L. Clark, 1867 Turnbull Lakes Dr., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Bethune Beach Senior Student Achievement Award
1. Completed Standard Application submit by Friday, March 14, 2025
2. Residents of Bethune Beach
3. Must be a graduating from High School in the current school year
4. Plan to continue their education the next year at an accredited institution of higher learning
5. Please include a list of any extracurricular activities that you were involved with in your time in High School. Please note if you held any leadership positions within those activities or organizations.
6. Please provide a list of any Community activities/service that you were involved with in your time in High School.
7. Work Experience
8. Email completed application to the attention of: Student Achievement Award to:
Board of Realtors New Smyrna Beach
1. New Smyrna Beach Board of Realtors Scholarship Application Completed
2. Homeownership Essay
3. Email completed application, to the attention of: New Smyrna Beach Board of Realtors Scholarship Application to or submit completed application via first class mail to: Nicole Hagood, 725 W Canal St., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
CAPS - Community and Alumni Providing Scholarships
1. NSB Caps Scholarship Application
2. Two 300 word essays to be included with application
3. Graduating senior at New Smyrna Beach High School
4. Seeking a college education; or vocational/trade or first responder training
5. Financial need
6. Community participation
7. Academic success
8. GPA Required
9. Submit completed application via first class mail to: NSB CAPS, P.O. Box 1808 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170
CCUMC Carl & Eldred Holcomb Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Active I.E.P
3. Submit completed application via first class mail to: CCUMC Scholarship Committee, 201 S Peninsula, New Smyrna Beach, Fl 32169
CCUMC Myhre-Burt Music Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Plan to major in music or music education
3. Audition required
4. Submit completed application via first class mail to: CCUMC Scholarship Committee, 201 S Peninsula, New Smyrna Beach, Fl 32169
City of Edgewater Local School Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application along with 2 letters of recommendation, one personal & one academic
2. Student must be a resident of Edgewater, Florida
3. Enrolled in a public or accredited private school within Volusia County
4. Demonstrate 20 hours of community service locally
5. Submit a 500 word essay to include experience with required community service hours, future education goals and subsequent career plans
6. Financial need
7. Possible interview with the Scholarship Committee
8. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Local School Scholarship to: parks or Submit completed application via first class mail to: City of Edgewater – Local School Scholarship, 1108 S. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132
City of New Smyrna Beach Juneteenth Scholarship
1. Complete Special Application on NSBHS Webpage under scholarships Due February 28, 2025
2. Must be a 2025 NSBHS Graduate
3. Need 25 hours of community service
4. GPA of 3.0 or higher
5. Submit a 300 word essay
6. Proof of acceptance to an institute of higher learning
7. Student issued transcript
8. One letter of recommendation (professional) and one Character Reference
9. Senior Photo
10. Email completed application, to the attention of: Irma Terry via Scholarship link on Leisure Services city website to:
Coach Joe McKinney Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Cross Country and/or Track for 2 consecutive complete seasons – Required
3. Required SAT or ACT scores
4. Short Essay Response (Topic: Greatest lesson learned from cross country or track) Required
5. Standard Application Essay – What this specific scholarship would mean to you and why – Required
6. GPA – Required
7. Email completed application, to the attention of: Coach Joe Mckinney Scholarship to:
Community Unitarian Universalist Church, Dru Synal Memorial Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Your involvement with Cuda UnHooked (Preference given to in-house residents)
3. 500 word essay (why interested in pursuing a specific career)
4. Financial need
5. Community Involvement
6. At least 2 letters of references
7. Your Major
8. GPA
9. SAT or ACT Scores
10. Email completed application, to the attention of: CUUC Scholarship to:
Cudas Boy Soccer Booster Club
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Two years on Varsity
3. GPA
5. Email completed application to the attention of: Chris Botting, SCBC Scholarship to
Cudas for Change
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Short submission response
3. Interview possible for finalists
4. Email completed application to the attention of: Scholarship Application in the subject line to
Daniel A. Garrity Memorial Scholarship
1. Standard Application
2. GPA of 3.0 or greater
3. Financial Need
4. Essay – How will this scholarship help you?
5. Student Employed
6. Extracurricular Activities (government, club, athletics, etc.)
7. Volunteer activities
8. Accepted to FL University or College
9. Email completed application to the attention of: DAG Scholarship to
EAC Higher Education Scholarship
1. Special Application completed
2. A study essay (Essay requirements in the special application)
3. A teacher recommendation
4. Email completed application, to the attention of: EAC Higher Education Scholarship to:
Edgewater Rotary
1. Application form filled out & signed
2. GPA of at least a 3.0
3. SAT Score
4. Financial need
5. Essay response
6. Student’s major
7. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Marilyn Sullivan to: or Submit completed application via first class mail to: Marilyn Sullivan, 115 9th St., NSB, FL 32168
Epic Flight Academy Aircraft Mechanic Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Enrolled in the Cudas Unhooked Program
3. Needs to be a senior
4. Needs to attend Epic Flight Academy Aircraft Mechanic Program within 1 year
5. Letter of recommendation from Cudas Unhooked Program
6. Email completed application, to the attention of: Epic Flight Academy Aircraft Mechanic Scholarship to:
Forever Manatee
1. Student should have attended Indian River Elementary
2. Student should have done volunteer work at Indian River Elementary
3. Standard Application completed
4. Complete an essay to let us know what this scholarship means to you
5. Email completed application to the attention of: Forever Manatee Scholarship to
Friends of the Edgewater Public Library, Inc
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Student must be a resident of Edgewater, FL
3. SAT and/or ACT Score
4. Copy of high school transcript
5. Short essay about your plans
6. Submit completed application via first class mail to: Edgewater Public Library, Attn: Scholarship Committee, 103 Indian River Blvd., Edgewater, FL 32132
Friends of the NSB Regional Library Scholarship
1. Completed NSBHS application by due date
2. Letter of recommendation from either a HS teacher, administrator or guidance counselor
3. Letter of recommendation from a community member
4. Letter of acceptance from college, university or tech school
5. Financial need
6. 3.0 minimum GPA
7. Personal essay – minimum 3 paragraphs that include accomplishments, experiences and future plans
8. Complete a minimum of 50 volunteer hours with documentation
9. Submit completed application via first class mail to: Deborah Samuels – NSB Regional Library, 1001 South Dixie Fwy, NSB, FL 32168
Howell & Vera Ray Memorial Cudas Unhooked Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Active participant in Cudas Unhooked
3. Submit completed application via first class mail to: CCUMC Scholarship Committee, 201 S Peninsula, New Smyrna Beach, Fl 32169
Howell & Vera Ray Memorial Culinary Academy Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Enrolled in Culinary Academy
3. Submit completed application via first class mail to: CCUMC Scholarship Committee, 201 S Peninsula, New Smyrna Beach, Fl 32169
Howell & Vera Ray Memorial Early Education Academy Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Enrolled in Early Education Academy
3. Submit completed application via first class mail to: CCUMC Scholarship Committee, 201 S Peninsula, New Smyrna Beach, Fl 32169
Howell & Vera Memorial Medical Academy Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Enrolled in Medical Academy
3. Submit completed application via first class mail to: CCUMC Scholarship Committee, 201 S Peninsula, New Smyrna Beach, Fl 32169
John Wilkinson Football Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Senior – Completed the graduating year football season
3. GPA 3.0 or higher
4. Submit Essay -How has your participation in the Cuda Football Program influenced the Student Athlete you have become and how will the life lessons you've learned playing football at New Smyrna Beach High School prepare you for future success after Graduation?
Please provide a minimum of 3-5 examples or a maximum of 500 words in providing a response to the essay question.
5. Email completed application to the attention of: Football Scholarship to:
Kiwanis of SE Volusia, Key Club Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Essay no greater than 500 words to include: 1) Future goals, plans and career idea; 2) role that Key Club has played in your high school experience; 3) brief description of personal and family background including any challenges to overcome or continuing; 4) why are you a deserving candidate.
3. Active Senior Key Club Member
4. Resident of NSB, Edgewater, Oak Hill or Unincorp.
5. Letters of reference from at least one teacher and another adult with knowledge of applicant
6. Mail completed application via first class mail to: Bruce Henry c/o Kiwanis of SE Volusia, P.O. Box 905, New Smyrna Beach, Fl
Little Theatre of New Smyrna Beach Scholarship
1. Must complete standard application
2. 3.0 or higher GPA and a copy of high school transcript
3. Must include SAT or ACT Score
4. Must include an essay of at least 500 words
5. Must include two letters of recommendation
6. Must be active in Theatre Arts, Music performance or Dance
7. Must have been accepted to a college
8. Email completed application, to the attention of: Linda McGrath to:
Lonnie Griffin Agriculture Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Have had agriculture experience
3. Have been a member of FFA or 4H
4. Will pursue an Agriculture related field
5. Email completed application, to the attention of: Elizabeth Harper/Lonnie Griffin to:
Lonnie Griffin Business Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Will pursue a business related career
3. Email completed application, to the attention of: Elizabeth Harper/Lonnie Griffin to:
Martin Luther King, Jr Celebration for Florida, Submission Deadline December 2, 2024
1. Please follow instructions on the special application, submission deadline is December 2, 2024
2. Submit completed application via first class mail to: MLK Celebration for FL, Inc., P.O. Box 11453, Daytona Beach, Fl 32120
Marvin Harvey Memorial golf Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Minimum of two consecutive years as a member of the boys or girls golf team at NSB High
3. Grape point average of 3.0 or higher
4. Detailed essay – the impact Marvin Harvey had on youth golf around New Smyrna Beach, what role has the game of golf played in your life and how do you plan to promote the game of golf
5. Possible interview, this will be upon request
6. Two letters of recommendation from individual not related
7. Include documented community service hours in application
8. Email completed application, to the attention of: Brian Perry to
Mary S. Harrell Black Heritage Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application with letters of recommendations
2. Applicants must have visited the museum in the last year
3. Museum is open daily from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm; closed Sundays and Mondays. Saturday hours 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
4. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Mary S. Harrell Black Heritage Scholarship Fund to: or Submit completed application via first class mail to: Mary S. Harrell Black Heritage Scholarship Fund, 314 N Duss Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Medical Academy Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Medical Academy all 4 years
3. 3.0 GPA or higher
4. Email completed application, to the attention of: Mrs.Kelley Markland, Medical Scholarship to:
Mildred E. Small and Robert D. TOYE Scholarship
1. Special Application which is located on the website
2. Financial need
3. Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA
4. Engineering (preferred) or another sciences major
5. Attend a four-year accredited Florida University
6. May ask for transcript
7. Covers books, tuition, housing and food plans
8. Disbursement will be made as direct payments or reimbursements up to $7,500.00 per a year
9. Email completed application, to the attention of: Toye Trust to and to or mail completed application via first class mail to: Jacob D. Lammers, 350 N Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
NSB Girls Soccer Booster Club Inc.
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Needs to play on NSBHS Girls Soccer team for 2 years
3. Needs to play on the varsity team senior year
4. Submit completed application via first class mail to: NSB Girls Soccer Booster Club Scholarship, 151 E Shiloh Rd., Oak Hill, FL 32759
Patricia & John Dowling Memorial Scholarship
1. Completed NSBHS application by due date
2. Letter of recommendation from HS teacher, administrator or guidance counselor
3. Letter of recommendation from a community member
4. Letter of acceptance from college, university or tech school
5. Financial need
6. 3.0 minimum GPA
7. Personal essay – minimum 3 paragraphs that include accomplishments, experiences and future plans, and what reading means to you
8. Documentation of 50 volunteer hours
9. Submit completed application via first class mail to: Deborah Samuels – NSB Regional Library, 1001 South Dixie Fwy, NSB, FL 32168
Reel Film Foundation, Creative Career Scholarship
1. Special Application on Google Form can be found on website
2. Short responses on Google form as directed
3. Students declaring one of the following majors (will be verified): Film, TV/RADIO/FILM, Broadcasting, Theatre Arts, photography, design, architecture, Creative Writing, Preference is given to filmmakers, then writers.
4. The Foundation reserves the right not to give a scholarship if an appropriate candidate is not identified.
5. Example of creative work in writing, photography, filmmaking, design, all includable on the Google Form
6. Thoughtful answers to our questions.
7. Students are to email the completed application, to the attention of: Electronic Submission to the following link only: Link will be made available on the site:
Rocket Alumni Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Former Read-Pattillo Elementary Student
3. GPA 2.5 or Higher
4. Essay (500 Words or Less)
5. Community Service Hours
6. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Samantha Anderson to: or Submit completed application via first class mail to: Samantha Anderson, 400 6th Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Rotary Club of New Smyrna Beach Service Above Self Scholarship
1. Complete standard application signed by student
2. Service to others, integrity and building goodwill are core values of Rotary. Do you exemplify Rotary’s example of volunteering and commitment to making a difference? Complete 300 to 500 word essay on your community service experience.
3. List of volunteer activities/community service hours
4. Financial Need
5. GPA 2.5+
6. Attending college, University, Trade School or Career Certificate Program
7. Two letters of reference- one from a high school staff member speaking to student’s leadership and integrity
8. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Scholarship Chair to:
Rotary Club of New Smyrna Beach Gerald D. Kruhm Service Above Self Scholarship
1. Complete Standard Application signed by student
2. Must be attending Stetson University
3. Complete 300 to 500 word essay on your community service involvement
4. Financial Need
5. GPA 2.5+
6. Two letters of reference – One from a high school staff member speaking to student’s leadership and integrity
7. List of volunteer activities/community service hours
8. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Scholarship Chair to:
Rotary Club of New Smyrna Beach J Mitchell Cole Service Above Self Scholarship
1. Complete standard application signed by student
2. Service to others, integrity and building goodwill are core values of Rotary. Do you exemplify Rotary’s example of volunteering and commitment to making a difference? Complete 300 to 500 word essay on your community service experience.
3. List of volunteer activities/community service hours
4. Financial Need
5. GPA 2.5+
6. Attending college, University, Trade School or Career Certificate Program
7. Two letters of reference- one from a high school staff member speaking to student’s leadership and integrity
8. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Scholarship Chair to:
Sacred Heart/St. Gerard Catholic Women's Association Technical School Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. Good Citizenship
3. 1 Male and 1 Female student will be awarded the scholarship
4. Students to enroll in Technical School.
5. Email completed application, to the attention of: NSB High Scholarship to: or Submit Completed application via first class mail to: Mary Ward, 998 Fr. Donlan Dr., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Samsula Woman's Club Scholarship
1. Completed Samsula Woman’s Club Scholarship Application
2. Two letters of recommendation from current teachers
3. Brief essay explaining your goals and lessons learned (see Application)
4. Must be a former student of Samsula Elementary or Samsula Academy or related to a current member of the Samsula Woman’s Club
5. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Scholarship Chairman to: or Submit completed application via first class mail to: Samsula Woman’s Club, P.O. Box 1635, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170
Settle-Wilder Funeral Home and Cremation Service NSB High School Scholarship
1. Standard Application
2. GPA of 2.0 or better
3. Financial need – Must have applied for financial aid or proof of need
4. Good Citizenship – Demonstrated community service
5. Possible Interview
6. Short essay stating interest in a career in Human Services and how the student can benefit from receiving this scholarship
7. Email completed application to the attention of: Roy Coons/Scholarship to:
Sharon J. Sanford Art Scholarship
1. Completed Standard Application
2. GPA
3. References
4. Sample of Artwork
5. Essay
6. Submit completed application via first class mail to: Jeanne Sanford, 425 Longfellow St., Vandergrift, PA 15690
Smyrna Surfari Club Scholarship
1. All requirements are in the special application that is on the NSBHS website under scholarships
2. The number of scholarships depends on the number of qualified applicants. We will award up to $15,000.00
3. Email the completed application, to the attention of: Smyrna Surfari Club Scholarship Application to:
Smyrna Yacht Club Scholarship - Awarded only to DSC Applicants
1. Completed standard application with official transcripts
2. Essay stating what the scholarship means to you
3. Detail career interest and intended studies
4. Leadership position in school activities/organizations
5. Involvement in community and/or jobs
6. Letters of recommendation: faculty/community/work supervisor
7. Interview with Scholarship Committee
8. Note: Our Scholarships are Renewable
9. Email completed application, to the attention of: SYC Scholarship Committee to:
Southeast Vocational Education Resources
1. Completed Special Application, Due March 7, 2024
2. Transcript
3. 2 letters of recommendation
4. Personal statement about what this scholarship would mean to you and why – max 300 words
5. Minimum 2.5 GPA
6. Pursuing education or career in vocational field
7. Email completed application, to the attention of: NSBHS Scholarship to:
The Alliance of Christian Women of the Minerva Civic Center
1. Standard Application
2. GPA 3.0 and above
3. SAT and ACT Scores
4. Financial need strongly considered
5. Good Citizenship
6. Student issued transcript
7. Essay of 500 Words – Topic: What random acts of kindness could you do to make this world a better place?
8. Mail completed application via first class mail to: Jacqueline Stratton, 1213 Enterprise Ave., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
The Posh Pineapple Scholarship
1. Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. Test Scores
4. Students interested in a career in fashion and/or entrepreneurship
5. Short essay response explaining why they are interested in that career path and what they hope to achieve in college
6. Student Transcripts
7. Good Citizenship
8. Extracurriculars/Volunteer Hours
9. Email the completed application, to the attention of: The Posh Pineapple Scholarship Application to:
Westside Community Partners
1. Completed Standard Application
2. GPA Required
3. Financial Need
4. Good Citizenship
5. Short essay response
6. Mail completed application via first class mail to: Dr. Lionel Long, P.O. Box 1421, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170